Friday, September 14, 2007

Input From a Condo Owner

Just a quick update condo dwellers. After the news about our condo association was posted, a condo neighbor sent the Orenco Opinions an email. It said:

There is a committee in the process of being formed, with the remit of getting the remediation process on the road. This will be chaired by Stephanie (a board member) and she assured us that good communication would be one of the key issues.

Volunteers for the Landscape Committee stepped up, and a design consultation is being sought. Who knows what that will produce with regards to dead heading etc,. Having been on the landscape committee previously, I am only too well aware of the issues regarding planting in the beds and of the emotions that ensue from differences of opinion here.

There has always been an issue with regard to "do it yourself" repairs and safety issues and the Board is probably correct to insist that it be done by a contractor. The outside lights are a real problem, especially for Rainiers, as the light over the door is so high and requires a very tall step ladder. I can understand why the Board contracts this out but....does it really need to take so long to have a light bulb changed? I know to call a contractor for each light is not cost-effective, so I don't have the answers, but I think they need to look into this more.

So there you have it. When more information comes in O(orenco)O(opinions) will publish them for you.

Have a great day!

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