Saturday, September 12, 2009

Traveling Western Europe Travel Book...Karen Brown's Books

Traveling western Europe? When we did that we needed some advice...some really good advice! I found this information this morning while drinking my smoothie and trying to convince myself to walk (the second day in a row) . This is what the 50 Something Info Blog had to say:

....I asked a former travel agent what she uses to get recommendations for accommodations and itineraries.

“Without a doubt,” she replied, “I use Karen Brown's Guides. The hotels, inns and bed and breakfasts aren’t inexpensive but they are always great.” She further explained that Brown doesn't cover every single country.

The books cover Italy, the British Isles, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Germany and France. They are available at Amazon and I am sure that your local Barnes and Noble has it or can get it for you. We always travel with several guide books and this may be one we will add to our collection.


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