Thursday, November 11, 2010

Park Model Life...Maintaining our home!

There are things that need to be done when we return from our summer home.  This little doll house (park model) needs some love and attention.  Part we do because we want to and part we do because the park requires it.  When we wash and wax the outside it is not because we want to...but we love it when it is nice and clean.
     No park wants the resort to turn into a mini-slum.  Making the residents wash, pull weeds and clean up is part of their plan to keep up appearances.  And, you know what, it really does work.  Even the oldest of the park model trailers look appealing when they are clean and shiny.
I really do live in a little 1987 Park Model!
     So this is what we did today.  We own a long handle chenille washing tool that will fit inside a bucket.  We also have a large bottle of car wash/wax.  We made a solution of this with hot water.  We washed, rinsed dried what we could reach, squeegeed the windows and our park model looked like a brand new 1982 model with a few hail dents...but still looked like brand new!!!  We are done for another year!  
     The beauty of a resort like this is there is always someone that will do these things for you for a small fee.  We have retired plumbers, electrician, builders and technology geniuses.   House keepers, window washing, even furnace repair people round out the list...if we have a problem there probably will be someone that can fix it.
     So how many calories to you suppose I burned today?  I even went for a long walk. Staying busy keep us mentally and physically happy too.   Gosh, I love this life.   Smile!

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