Thursday, October 13, 2011

Before and After: the kitchen re-decoration with paint1

Oh my gosh...when I began to post these two pictures of my before and after kitchen I noticed something very strange.  On the day that I took the picture of the kitchen last August, my display space above the cabinets had been packed with every piece of bric-a-brac that I owned.  When we were moving into this house, my son and daughter began unloading the boxes and before we knew it the whole top was filled with everything from Buddhas to a Red Riding Hood cookie jar. There sitting next to the kerosine lantern is our black cat.  I really have no idea how he got up there but pictures don't lie.  The cat can climb the walls.  Really.

In the after picture you can seen the green paint under the cabinets and a tan above.  The green shows a lot greener than it really is or if I am to believe the first picture, it is a lot greener than I thought.  Pictures don't lie!

Note:  My husband made the spice can holder out of a piece of welders metal.  We bought the cans at our local Krogers store (Fred Meyer).  He also made the gadget hangers over the counters.  He painted molding and spray painted cup hooks after straightening the hooks slightly so the gadgets would slide on easier.


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  1. Looks great! We really need to paint our house.

  2. I guess the cat just wanted to be part of the family scrapbook! LOL! Lovely kitchen - good work! Hugs, GraceinAZ


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