Sunday, October 23, 2011

Really GOOD Free TV and Movies

An evil plot to destroy the world. Enjoy! (Log...
Image via Wikipedia

We share one TV right now.  It is that time of year when my husband really NEEDS to watch football/golf/baseball all at the same time.  Our one TV is busy-busy-busy.  I am beginning to sympathize with Bob Lowery over at Satisfying Retirement.  He and his wife decided to cut the cord and eliminate cable TV.  I too am basically without cable tv right now.  But, after I began tuning into Hula on my computer, my hunger for more choices was taken care of.  I actually think we could do the same thing as Bob.

This is the way it works.  You go to and start clicking.  If you are willing to add a little money ($7.95 per month, one month free) and increase your choices you can sign up for HuluPlus.  I do have a free account but you can also sign in with Facebook or not sign it at all. It is easy and did I mention FREE!

I watch cooking shows on my kitchen computer when I am working there.  It is just comforting for some reason.  When my husband is watching games on the big screen, I just find a show on Hulu and watch it on our laptop.  I will be catching up on Fringe and Bones. It is a whole new tv show/movie world out there.  And FREE is good so we will stick with that!


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