Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Grandma's Delight...Halloween

When my children were growing up, I did not like Halloween.  But since I am a Grandma, I have learned to love it.  Here are my two youngest grandchildren.

Have a wonderful day.


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  1. It's all about the grandchildren, isn't it? I only have one, but there's another one on the way. He's due in Feb.

  2. We went with our daughter and son-in-law, and 3 grandkids for trick or treat Monday night. They were so cute as characters from the movie, Cars 2. It took almost 15 minutes for them to decide what one piece of candy they wanted from their haul.

  3. We all light up when we talk about our grandchildren. I get to relive that time when my children were small but with out all the worry.

    If it takes them 15 minutes Bob it must cut down on the number houses you visit!

    Grammy, for you the fun is only beginning. Congratulations.

    Thank you for the comments.



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