Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Day In China...Yes, bigger is better in Shanghai!

Both of these skyscrapers were the tallest in the world at one point! They are located on the Pudong side of the Huangpu River.   Air quality was very bad on this day so even though they were relatively close they are shrouded in smog. The World Finance Center (4th) is in the background and Jin Mao Tower (13th) in the front.  We have eaten at the Grand Cafe located in the Hyatt Regency at the top of the Jin Mau Tower.  The view of the Pearl Tower is spectacular in the evening.  As I recall, on a clear night you can the Yuan Gardens lit at night too.  A third skyscraper called the Shanghai Tower barely visible on the right of the picture will loom over the other two.  It is in the early stages of construction but it could be the tallest building in the near future. 
But this hulking Pearl Tower just blows me away. It seems so huge, especially when you stand at the base.  A normal camera cannot capture the whole thing.  (Pudong Area) Notice the cars in the foreground.
Until I see a boat making it's way up the canal near a country road! (West of Shanghai)

Have a wonderful day!

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