Monday, February 20, 2012

What do you do all day when you are retired?

Bocci Sunshine!
When we first retired, people that were almost retired would ask us what we did all day.  Our answer was simply "What we want!".  It was all so carefree and effortless.  Just the idea that we did not work at a job from 9-5 and still got paid left us feeling euphoric.  It was so great.

Fifteen years later we can only wonder when we had time to work.  Retirement is taking up all of our time and if we had to work again we would starve to death because our schedule is full to the brim.  This week has been amazing:

  • We tore the inside of the shed apart and cleaned it so we could put a washer and dryer in.
  • I watched my husband search for the sewer line to hook the washer up to...he could have buried me standing up in a couple of places.  He worked really hard.  
  • He found sewer line 4 inches down near the corner of the park model...I sorta helped him find it.
  • Danced in the back yard because I was happy.
  • We talked about the sewer line a lot.
  • We went to happy hour so we could share about the sewer line.
  • I attended a Arizona Press Women's luncheon.  Will write about that soon.  The next week has some open spots for me to write.
  • We attended a bocci ball meeting with a few other people.
  • I helped write up bocci ball newsletter.  (This is why I am so busy...I cannot resist the temptation to open my mouth and give my opinions.)
  • I made a poster for Bocci Ball meeting.
  • I attended an informational meeting for Canadian Snow Birds so I could write about their legal issues while in the United States.
  • We went to Home Depot and bought pipe for the sewer line.  Picked up new blinds for our living room area.  Our time is precious so we didn't want to make another trip.
  • I insisted we fill out credit card application to get 10% off Home Depot purchase.  (I will destroy card when we receive it.) There is an hour we will never get back again.  
  • I wrote several posts, took care of payment for posts.
  • I answered an email question about real estate here in Tucson and specific location after some research.
  • Read a book and started another.
So there you have it.  What do we do all day?  It doesn't seem very important...just a lot of nitty gritty stuff.  But here we are at the end of another day...ready for happy hour, salmon for dinner and it is Monday night so TV is my friend.

Have a wonderful day.



  1. Last week for me was packed with three lunch get-togethers with old friends, three church functions, and a movie night, plus the normal blog work and house chores.

    Yesterday, Monday, was shopping day. My wife has wanted a new refrigerator and stove for several years, so yesterday was the day. After 4 hours, the new appliances were bought and delivery confirmed for Wednesday.

    Today is prison ministry day followed by a trip to the gym and men's Bible study tonight.

    Thank goodness I don't have to go to work.

  2. THAT is a busy day! One of my greatest fears in retirement is running out of things to keep me busy. The to-do lists get done in a matter of months, I can only travel so much (and I will!), I love to exercise but an hour or two a day is the max, and my hobbies are limited at this time. I think I will have to do what you and Bob do which is become engaged in the community and local events beyond my current state. But I will start planning now rather than wait to discover these new avenues after I retire! Have fun!


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