Sunday, May 19, 2013

Gifts: Teens and my 15 Minutes of Fame!

In an article written for Inc. Davic Freedman asked the question "What Do Teens Want?". His comment that "...most of us feel we'd have a better chance of achieving a breakthrough in quantum gravity than we would of figuring out how to reliably connect with teenagers" hit very close to home. Those of us that have shopped with a teen know that they will not like what you suggest, are not reliable when it comes to sticking with a style and disdain places we picture as being the places they would like. It is very hard getting the perfect gift. If you get it right once every 7 years, you are a real winner. 

I discovered the best gift for young people old stuff or things that look like my old stuff. Only they cannot know that you ever liked it and it must be up graded to meet all their current needs. This spring we have high school graduates and birthdays by the scores...all teens wanting to be themselves. I am struggling.  My 16 year old granddaughter made a recommendation and I thought she knew what she was talking about.

So I bought a portable hi-fi record player (or that is what my generation called them) as a gift for my 14 year old grandson. When I texted him on his birthday (we don't talk anymore...that is not cool) he said he loved it. Phew!

Crosley CR40-RE Mini Turntable (Red)

I think the perfect thing about this is the fact that it looks so retro and it is portable. My grandson can haunt thrift stores to find records for almost nothing. My grandson is very thrifty so that is good. He described how he had it set on his top shelf with all the records he had found stacked near-by. His words were, "I absolutely love it Grandma." Perfect.

I will order him the latest Journey album for his collection just because I think that would be nice. Who knows, that may be a winner too.

My fifteen minutes of fame as a grandmother are over for another 7 years. But I will take it. I don't want to be greedy.

Have a wonderful Day.
Greatest Hits Volume 2


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