Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Complete Guide to a Great Party

When I was young I thought a party was about great food and drinks. I thought the decorations needed to be perfect and everyone catered to at every turn. It turns out I was so very wrong. A great party is about people that are willing to laugh and make their own fun.

My husband and I hosted a party for over 100 people this last week. We invited anyone that was willing to make the effort to go to our parks activity office and pick up a ticket up. All we asked was that they bring a donation for a local food bank. Interestingly, enough people did not come early because they didn't think there would be that much demand and missed the chance to attend.

The Birthday Boy

Husband, friend, daughter and me

We hired a wonderful band that played 60's music and we bought sheet cakes that could be cut into very small pieces. We bought a keg of beer and cups.  I decorated the tables with minimal funds and then we waited to see what would happen.

It is amazing what can go right and what can go wrong. But in the end what went right outweighed what went wrong by a ton.
The thank you card from Connie commented
that it was a miracle we could get up in the morning!

  • Over 150 people had tickets while many were turned away because the ticket were gone yet many that had them did not turn up. That was too bad.
  • The keg of beer was sold with the wrong tap so we had the beer but we could not give it away. It was a promise that sounded good but we could not fulfill.
If there were other problems no one told me so I am happy. 

What went right?
  • Over 100 hundred people came, many with birthday cards.
  • The band was sensational and received ovations all night long.
  • The dance floor filled immediately and stayed that way for 3 hours.
  • The cake was delicious.
  • Everyone toast my husband with much love and friendship. 
  • Everyone brought their own drinks and snacks AND did not complain when we served the small pieces of cake on a napkin without a fork. Silly right? It worked like a charm.
  • My daughter was able to attend and danced the night away with her father and our friends.
  • We collected several clothes baskets full of food. The St. Pius food bank thought the gift came from heaven...their cupboards were bare.
Fellow Blogger Bob Lowry from Satisfying Retirement
All in all, what didn't go right was so minimal and kinda funny. We returned the beer and got a refund. I told the audience that we did buy the beer but they could not have any! It got a laugh! 

I did not know that so many people would come but I guess that goes to show you that beer (you cannot drink), popcorn and cake with no plate works. It is all about the people!

Have a wonderful day.



  1. It was a fun party, well worth the trip over from the other side of town. We saw a few people we knew, met some others, and had fun with the music. Thanks so much for the invitation!

  2. We certainly enjoyed the time with you, Earl, and all your friends. It was an unexpected treat to see Linda and Art again, too. The drive down and back from Scottsdale was easy and gave Betty and me lots of time to talk and plan.

    Thanks so much for the invite. Any time you have another "unbirthday" keep us in mind.


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