Saturday, July 25, 2015

How To Make Rain

There are people here in the Western United States that need a rainmaker...not the financial kind but the water kind. I just want them to know that I am able to do that. Yes, you heard it from here. I can make rain that comes out of the sky.

On several occasions I have made rain. Really, it isn't rocket science. You can do it too. It is all in the wrist (or something). See you only need to think really hard and make big plans for a special event that needs to be held outdoors. It can be a wedding, a camping trip or even a gathering of family in the backyard for a bbq and a movie. You need to send at least 20 text messages and get everyone to agree on a date and time. Then wait. How hard could it be?
We need a bigger screen Grandma!

So, if you live in the Portland Metro area, you can thank me for the rain. I send out a text message on Monday inviting everyone to my daughter's house to watch a movie outside. (Oh, did I mention that you also need to inconvenience someone you love with your plan?) The text message went out to 9 people. Everyone I could think of was in the loop.

I received a flurry of replies...I can't come on Friday, I can't stay up late on Saturday, I don't return to Portland until 11 pm Friday and, best of all, we need a bigger outdoor movie screen! See what I mean by planning.

We finally agreed on a time, date, what food to bring, who we could borrow a projector and screen from, who would light the bbq and so forth. We were set. I was thrilled even though the whole thing scared me a lot. I am not in charge much these days so I didn't want to mess things up.

It is the big day today. I opened my eyes this morning and, for the first time in months, it-is-raining.

Am I good or what? #PDX, I appreciate you gratitude. I am always glad to help with droughts and other natural problems. Just let me know!



  1. You are invited to come to San Diego and plan a big event anytime (or, were you here last Saturday when we had freak thunderstorms all day?).

    1. No, not this time but remember the first of December last year. We were in Northern Ca. I'm just saying!

  2. Yep, we in orange county, CA...would love to bring you down, all expenses paid, to help. LOL

    1. See, it would not work that way. I need to want sunshine and outdoor living, it needs to be a very special trip at great expense to my husband and I and we need to have small children along that will be disappointed when it rains. I know I said it was easy but not "all expenses paid" easy. :)


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