Thursday, August 27, 2015

Grandchildren: When It Gets Very Quiet...!

See, I am the type of person that does three things at a time but cannot hear an explosion in the same room. The world can fall down around me and I will not notice. It is a special talent. But when it comes to my grandchildren, there are thing that get my attention right away. Total silence is one of those things. My head comes up and I move at the speed of light because I know that what might come next is probably not going to be a good thing. Here is what happens:

This little girl is VERY busy but on that particular day all she was doing was figuring out how to use a broom. Phew!



  1. Grma loves those grndkids but she is very much aware of what they do and when it gets quiet she is on the prowl. When you have a 7 yr. old boy, a 5 yr. old boy who wants to do everything the 7 yr. old does, and a 3 yr old little sister who wants to do everything both of the boys do, it can be kind of challenging to say the least. They really are great kids but you have to remember they are kids.

    1. Well, the truth is I could not do it without that wonderful Grandpa...he is the best entertainment in the world.

  2. It's funny how that total silence can get your attention right away ...

    1. And here we think that yelling works when what we really need to do is whisper. Remember The Gingerbread Man story. That was how the fox caught and ate the cookie. :)

  3. I remember when my granddaughter was just over a year old. She busied herself on my lanai. Boy was I ever in for a surprise. She had taken all of the plants out of the containers - lots of dirt everywhere. She didn't even look guilty :-) I'll always remember that day with a smile.

    1. We grandmas learn the hard way sometimes...quiet is not a good thing but they always bring a giggle. Well it may take a while to see the humor but seriously, they are soooo innocent how can we stay mad.


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