Thursday, June 15, 2017

From the Lifelong Cheerleaders

It always surprises me how the people that write greeting cards manage to come up with the perfect words. Honestly, I am continually inspired by their talent.

My son's son graduated from high school this last week and of course we are so proud of him. We wanted to find the perfect card for him so he would know how we felt about him and what he is doing. This is what we found.

Your High School Graduation
 Your life long cheerleaders! 

I thought that described how we felt and what our role is better than any card we have given in recent years.

Our grandson knows that Grandfather and Grandmother are his best cheerleaders. It is important to know that your family is on your side even when they are out of sight.

7 years ago they all looked like this. Two
have graduated from college, one is in an engineering masters
program, one from beauty school, one is in college and.
another in the marines. The two smallest are just growing up. Two had not been born and one was a baby in arms. The high school graduate is
clapping in the back row. He was 11 at the time.
We cheer them all on every day of our lives.

My grandson's graduation was very tight, organized and there were no shenanigans. The students were searched for cell phones, noise makers and even marbles. The fact was that time was of the essence and there was no time for snags. Another graduation was set to happen only one half hour after this one ended. We walked out and the next gradation class was lined up to go in.

But, in spite of all that, our grandson had the time of his life. His attitude was so perfect. His high school experience had left him feeling successful and ready for the next stage. He didn't need much cheerleading at that moment. The fact that we were there was enough for him.

We have 12 grandchildren, some grown some still very small. I suppose I alway reflect on their futures when someone reaches a bench mark. This occasion had me thinking about how my grandchildren see themselves.

As we left him, I began wondering if he was doing that for he or isn't he cheering himself on?  Does he hear encouraging voices in his head? Is he always so self assured? How does that work for him when things go wrong? Are the voices he hears inside his head even his own? As the years go by, will he find his own voice?

The class that he graduated from is one of the largest in the state of Oregon. As always it symbolized our country and how important education is to our survival. Graduations are an awe inspiring moment I think. And as I looked out over that mass of humanity, I wondered...what are the voices inside their heads saying? It will make such a difference in the end.

Just a thought.



  1. 12 grandchildren! That's awesome! We will have #2 in August and I have to say I am loving being in the grandmother club. It's the best for sure. I love your thoughts in this post. The voices inside their heads...very nice.

    1. We consider ourselves very lucky. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Enjoy those grandchildren...they are a blessing indeed.

  2. Wow 12 grandchildren! And I bet you make everyone of them feel as special as the one graduating.

    1. We try! In the end it what we can do and not what we cannot do that counts. Love all those people!


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