Friday, December 18, 2020

Whatcha Doing?...Isolated with time on our hands!

Christmas Is Coming...Happy Holidays!

I told you recently that my husband and I were selling our townhome and moving to a house on the golf course that my husband plays. It has occurred to me that we might have too much time on our hands. I told my daughter about the move and urged her to come and take us away if we began building doors to nowhere like the Winchester heiress did in San Francisco. 

How do you fill your day when you have time on your hands? We do really have a lot of interests and are not moving because it is a whim. We are fulfilling a dream while we can. 

Books are my passion...good books, meaty books, hard to understand books. I have always been that way for reasons that I cannot explain. I also love to watch a good TV series or a wonderful movie and those two interest intersect. Many times those really good books are made into movies or TV shows.


Last year we watched The Handmaids Tale on Hulu. I don’t believe that I personally have ever seen a more compelling, all be it frightening, story. It was not long before I was looking for books by the woman that wrote the book. Margaret Atwood, it turns out, is worthy of our attention. 

Recently I found the sequel to The Handmaids Tale at the library. The Testaments is every bit as compelling as the Handmaids Tale. The characters from the original story are revisited in an indirect way. I was not disappointed.

My approach to reading books is a lot the same as my approach to watching TV. I do not feel the need to focus on just one show and I don’t feel the need to read one book at a time. Many times I have 3 or four going and will read what ever I am in the mood for. I know that is not normal but I don’t like to sort my silverware when I put it in the draw either. I am told that is not acceptable in most households but what am I to do. (My husband makes me do it!)

My friend recommended the Susan Hill mystery books and I will borrow a couple she bought last month. I am still getting through Hamilton  by Ron Chernow. That book has to be approached as though I am eating an elephant. The poor book is beginning to show the wear and tear of being picked up many times in the last couple of years. I put it down for a season because I could see that awful duel coming and for some reason it upset me. 

I also read on Malcolm Gladwell’s books a chapter at a time. The last one I purchased is What the Dog Saw and it is every bit as interesting as his previous books. I read the chapter on Enron’s financial woes titled “Open Secrets” a few days ago and thought it was a mirror held up to Donald Trump’s not paying any taxes But in this particular case, Enron told everything and no one picked up on the clues. So interesting. I love Gladwell’s books.

As for the move, I am beginning to see what I want to do in the new to us home. We have hired movers, the loan papers at at the underwriters and the bank will appraise our townhome tomorrow. The beat goes on for us. 

The question now is “whatcha been doing?” I would love to hear from you! 

Take care.



  1. My husband retired 5+ years ago, however, I am running my business from home. However, since we downsized from a McMansion to a Ranch home I do have more time on my work on my business more!

    1. Less house...more time for what you like or need to do is always a good thing. I wake up still dreaming that the housekeeping fairy is going to help me. :)



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