Thursday, July 19, 2007

An email came to the Orenco Opinions yesterday. The sender was excited about the idea of sharing and including items. She said:
Can photos be included by bloggers such as myself? I have lots from my garden and may have a need to share some. I am feeling bereft at the moment in regards to my garden. Our house is next on the chopping block and my garden will take a major hit (we have the faux stucco). As soon as the rain stops I have to go out and dig stuff up and move it somewhere where it will be safe. I have lots of pots with no place to go. The watering system must be dismantled. I was so looking forward to enjoying my patio and garden all summer. But the wrecking ball comes on Monday.
First of all YES you can include photos by emailing the website email address: The photos will be then posted with any comments you want to include. If you find something you really like; a book, a shopping destination, an event or even a recipe please send it to the address. The Neighbor is so hoping the blog will be an ongoing success. We should all help her out.

We are all going through the 'construction blues' this summer and the town houses are being hit right now. Brownstones were on the block early this spring and still are. The condos, however, are another story all together. We are feeling frustrated and a little afraid that we will not have enough money to do the repairs necessary! Hopefully, it will all work out.

Comments are welcome and can be posted by clicking 'comment' at the bottom of the post. You can post anonymously by clicking that button on the comment pop up page.

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