Friday, August 17, 2007

coffee hour

When the women of our neighborhood gather for coffee, you know that there will be some of the most interesting conversation and discussion of your whole week.

This neighbor is a very involved woman in the summer time. There is family, recreation, doctor's appointments, home and community. So I am usually late, not dressed beautifully like everyone else and just a little tired. School will start soon and then the day will slow down almost to a stop.

Yesterday, when we gathered at Carolyn's, the room was filled with conversation and folding chairs. Plans were being finalized for an outing to the Japanese Gardens, a lunch and of course a ride on Max. Book club plans were discussed and deserts were eaten.

Carolyn has a beautiful cottage both inside and out. Inside little lights sparkle on the mantle and in the kitchen. Her displays change continually and are always a feast for the eyes. On her deck she has lovely flowers. A large planter is situation on a pot holder stand that is like the one I discussed earlier.

As I understand it Carolyn's house also the sight for a weekly game of cards hosted by her husband. They aren't able to get out much so the world comes to their cottage. It truly has been a blessing for our neighborhood!

Thank you Carolyn!


***I received a note from Dee yesterday about the pot hangers. She said:


I was at Fred Meyers recently. In front of the store were 2 free standing flower pot hangers. They looked to be very sturdy and held a lot of pots. The cost was $39.99. They were at least as tall as I am and had big healthy plants. They were very attractive. If you are out and about, take a look.


I will be going over to check it out. As you all know, I am in the market for something to hang plants on. Thank heaven Dee was reading and knew what our dilemma was.

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