Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Warm Weather Finds

The neighborhood gets really quiet when the weather is hot! Windows close, air conditioners come on and we settle in. Some neighbors do not have air and so they love the evenings when we can open the windows and listen to the night.

We love to look around the web for interesting and beautiful blogs. Today we found several blogs you might want to take a look at. Garden Voices has some beautiful pictures and is a feast for the eyes. We borrowed this image to whet your appetite.

If you will go to the Blogs by Women in the side bar and click on it you will find a great variety of blogs. So many of these are very interesting and insightful. We have also included links in the sidebar. Click on these and read away. The choices we have made are ones we think you will enjoy. Just have some fun. We do this for you!!!!

But most of all we want you to all know that at Blogger you can create your own blog for FREE!!!! They have the templates that allow you to set up an attractive and interesting website of your very own. If you love to write and need others to read and comment, this is a good thing for you. If you have an agenda and want to simply let others know what you are thinking, this a good thing for you. If you find you hate to do it you can simply delete the blog and go on with your life. You can even, if you so desire, remain TOTALLY anonymous.

We would suggest Mary Pifers, Writing to Change the World as a good book for anyone interested in writing. It is a quick read and we think you will like it.
We bought it at Barnes and Noble but Amazon has it online.

Have a great day.

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