Monday, November 30, 2009

Simplicity...the best medicine of all!

Our senior life style keeps us busy with friends.  We travel to Arizona in the winter where we have founds friends from around the United States, Canada and even Ireland.  We are just in heaven!

I have many, many friends here.  Several are close friends, others dear to my heart.  I cannot separate the two.  Today I decided that I could not wait to give my gift to two of my walking, golfing, talking, girl friends.  Mary and Carole are just a miracle for me...late in life I actually have found women that could have been sisters.  My friend, Virginia is spending Christmas in Portland with her family.  Her apron is waiting on her.  I am an only child so I am sure you can understand how amazed I am.

My gifts were aprons I made this summer.  Now let me tell you, I am not a sewing is very imperfect but every stitch has a little bit of me in it...and there were lots of stitches put in, torn out and then put in again.  Mary and Carole were so thrilled it just made me want to could any two people make me feel so special?  It was wonderful.

My friend Carole is recovering from back surgery so we walked this morninng.  Her right hip had hurt all last winter.  Today, when we walked, it was her left hip that hurt!  The "walking wounded" is what we are now.  We laughed, shared stories and enjoyed the cool but sunny day.  Then, when we returned to my home, my husband made coffee, served pumpkin bread donated by Mary and we talked for a very long time.  Gosh, I love my life! 

If you are reading this and wondering where I am going, here is the bottom line...come on down and heal in the sunshine.  Bring a trailer or what ever you have, join in the fun.  I even told a friend to come and live like "trailer trash" for a while.  It is good for the soul!  For the "walking wounded" simplicity is the best medicine of all.

Have a great week.

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