Saturday, January 16, 2010

"Wild" Cats Spotted on Arizona National Golf Course in Tucson Arizona

I can honestly say that when I do "sporting" things, I am generally all about the beauty.  Ambiance is what I generally look for.  I would rather fish in a beautiful mountain lake on a sunny afternoon than at a brown reservoir in the hills of eastern Oregon.  I am funny that way.  Life style for me is not about is about beauty.

When we are visiting the desert southwest in the winter months of the year, we golf quite a bit.  While I love those "goat track" courses here because of their history or native appeal, Arizona National  and course like it are my first choice.  The settings is so stunning it takes my breath away.

Last week we played Arizona National using our Wild Cat Card (take a look at this website) for a free round of golf.  When you buy the card you get several rounds at a reduced price and one round free plus a free round on the card owner's birthday.  The cards are good until the end of January and then again in late spring and next fall.  We can play either here in Tucson at Arizona National and Forty-niner  or in Green Valley at Canoa Hills and San Ignacio.  The beauty of the Arizona National course, the setting on the side of the Catalina Mountains and a generous helping of wild beauty all mixed together to make a spectacular day.

Speaking of "wild cats" we really did see two on the golf course.  A pair of bobcats were playing on the fairway as we walked came up one of the holes on the front side.  They are so tame that one is tempted to treat them as pets.  But when you get up close and personal with them, you realize how large even the kittens are.  The pictures I took were from about 10 yards away.  The cat had it's head turned so I whistled at it to make it turn it's head.  The perfect shot of a bobcat sitting on a rock with it's paws on the ground playing the part of a "cool cat" was mine!  I noticed quail, road runners, rabbits all under one little piece of rough.

How we even focus on our golf game is beyond me.  I scored 49 on the back side so I must have been paying a little attention.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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  1. It means even wild cats knows how to play in the middle of nowhere. I saw a wild cat to in South Africa when me and my friends visited that exotic, wild, but beautiful place in the world. Because of that excavation trip I able to write my essay after our unforgettable experience vacation.

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