Sunday, April 4, 2010

Living in Small, cords and robots!

I have moved the computer from our arizona room 
to our little round table inside.  It is warm enough that we can eat outside.
The arizona room is now serving as an alternate indoor dining room/bedroom.  I know it is strange but living in a small space demands that we be flexibility and creative.  I picked up a louvered screen at an antique market and it shield the little twin bed from view.

So now the computer is the focus of our living room with cords streaming about.  The stereo system with a sub woofer on the floor adds to the disarray.  I found this wonderful disguise for the cord hanging down the wall.  Style At Home featured this item in the Tech Style part of their Technology&Gadget Blog featured a small desk from ikea that can take care of this problem too.  I don't like the look of it much but that is just a personal style choice. They have simply taken a small computer desk and covered the back so cords hang down unseen.  And by the way how about those teal green walls? 

As long as we're on the subject of technology, how about a towel folding machine...I don't even have a washing machine in my park model...but this thing looks very cool.  Imagine such a thing!

Have a wonderful week. 
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