Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Aging is an Adventure...a post from among the boxes!

We are in the final stages now! We will move out of our condo this week.  My son commented the other day that a house is just walls and floors...nothing more.  A friend of mine has always wanted a "forever house".  She lives in eastern Oregon on near the banks of the Columbia River.  Her view is of the very east edge of the Columbia Gorge and a fishing dock is close by.  They have a beautiful speed boat and a smaller fishing boat.  She is very happy I think.

Shanghai Pedi-cab Driver
by b
We, on the other hand, do not see ourselves in a "forever house" because we don't get that attached to our "walls and floors".  I am at home no matter where I am.  I love the adventure of looking out the window and wondering what is out there.  Once I know about everything, I am ready to move on and learn about something new.  In fact, the first blog I owned was called "At Home in the World!"

So, as my husband and I age, we are still finding new adventures.  We will be going to Viet Nam at Christmas time.  Our son and his wife have invited us to share this trip with them.  We will travel to China where we will stay in his house for a time and then fly to Viet Nam after jet lag eases.  We will take the subway to downtown Shanghai where we love to eat and shop.  I don't think there is much chance I will ever know everything about that huge city so I will never tire of that adventure.

I don't expect to be able or even want to do that sort of thing forever.  I feel myself becoming more contented and at peace.  Aging is an adventure in itself.  I like that a lot!



  1. Thanks for your thoughts, your post is very inspirational! Some get bogged down in the "walls and floors", but it's refreshing to read your post and remember there is so much more out there to see and do.

  2. You are having fun! And that is wonderful.

  3. fun times indeed! I think we are between your direction and your friend with the "forever house". We have a nice place pretty much paid off and centrally located - easy access to airport, restaurants, local down towns. We use our "home base" to travel hither and yon for short and longer periods of time. But returning to the familiar homestead is always welcome. We do not quite have the view of the Columbia Gorge - hmmm, maybe time to look at a new home base. Enjoy your journey!

  4. Thank you all for your thoughts. I am now moved and sitting at t a lovely desk area in our kitchen. I think I am going to love this house. My children are full of wonderful ideas so we will be very busy bringing everything up to their standards! I smile because it is just poetic justice. I have always done that very thing to them when they moved.

    The boxes are begining to clear but I am wondering where all this stuff came from. I am sure my belonging are breeding in the dark corners of my house.


  5. Enjoy your move- and Vietnam. We went about 25 years ago and felt it was one of the better places we had visited.
    Yes, a house is four walls and a floor- no matter where you are in the world:>)


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