Thursday, January 3, 2013

Children Speak: When the cartoon "sucks their brains out"!

Illustration of Peter Rabbit eating radishes, ...
Illustration of Peter Rabbit eating radishes, from The Tale of Peter Rabbit (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was going to let my grandsons watch a cartoon when they visited last week. We had set up the iPad on their bed with the Zooka speaker. What did they want they want to watch? Well, it turns out there are rules. They take them very seriously and even obey them when their mother and father are not watching. Here is what I learned.
  • Sponge Bob Square Pants sucks their brains out so they cannot watch that.
  • Anything with policemen or guns is banned unless it is on the Learning Channel so their sister can find out about being a policeman. Guns are a very bad thing they tell me.
  • Peter Rabbit Christmas Show is scary and they don't watch it because they cannot sleep.
  • Grown up TV is not allowed because it is about bad stuff.
  • They love Dino is not a rule but if they had their way the rule would be that it is on 24/7.
They had me at "sucks my brains out".  Wow!


p.s. The two year old is having a Scooby Doo party for his third birthday. Doesn't that have ghosts and dark closets? It even scares me a little bit. I really don't know how that fits in the plan!

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