Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Snowbird Lifestyle: Here and There

Very loud bundles of joy!
It always takes me a while to adjust to the silence. We left Oregon immediately after a day with my grandsons. The noise is deafening...a short walk to my daughter's house moved the chaos from my house to hers for a few minutes. Somehow I have changed in the last 6 month. I can yell over the noise and not be alarmed when the children are pounding on the piano. It all just brings a smile to my lips.

On the other hand, we live on a corner lot here in Arizona and we are just across the street from the pickle ball and tennis courts. When I look out my back window I can see the bocci ball courts. We visit with neighbors when we work in our little plot of soil in the front. In fact we visit more than we work. The social part of this life is why we come here. But there are no noisy children at play! The tones are very hushed a great deal of the time.

Smiling Shay and her Furby
You can see the cold in the Oregon air!
The Santa Catalina Mountains have a little snow on the peaks and a chill is in the air. But the sunshine is glorious. When we left Oregon the temperature lingered at 29 degrees and it had rained more than necessary I think. The contrast is remarkable. Oregon and Arizona are two very different places.

I do not prefer one place over the other. Being privileged enough to have the best of both worlds leaves me feeling grateful.

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  1. Like you, pleasure in Washington State and in Arizona. Different kinds of delight.

  2. I am looking forward to doing the same as you, Linda, and Barbara: summers in Oregon and and the rest of the year in Scottsdale.

    Two places so totally different in almost every way, but each has its charms and beauty.

  3. Bob and Linda,

    This is the best of both worlds for us...family in Oregon and a very close knit group of friends here in Arizona. It is almost hard to leave each of these places! On the other hand arriving is more fun than I can describe.



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