Tuesday, October 29, 2013

3 ways Your Unused Gift Cards Can Make Christmas Better

I am always looking for ways to give more at Christmas time. Although our list is not horribly long, we do have 12 grandchildren. We want to be generous with them. In the past we have given gift cards or cash to family and friends but we are finding that there are ways to give better gifts. Here is how it works.Take a look at any gift card you have received but have not used. I bet you have some. It is estimated that over 2 billion dollars worth of gift cards went unredeemed during 2012.  If you are smart, you will find a way to put those cards to use. That is where you might want to use a company that will buy your gift cards. 

  1. Gift Card Exchange: If the gift cards you are re-gifting are for stores that are not convenient you can get extra value for the card by exchanging for an Amazon gift card. 
  2. Cash for Gift Cards: If the person you are buying for really needs a cash gift, sell the unwanted gift card and give cash. Make it easy for them.
  3. Buy Gift Cards:  Buy your gift cards at a discounted price. (I had to ask myself why I hadn't been doing this all along.) 
  4. If your credit card company does not give cash see if there is a gift card possibility. You may be able to sell the gift card for cash. Here is an interesting fact:
Even though rewards are exciting, many consumers don’t use them. A national GMAC Mortgage survey concluded that while over 50% of respondents in a recent national survey of American consumers reported having at least one or two credit cards that offer rewards, more than 41% of such reward cardholders either rarely or never bother to use their rewards.
I think all of these hints can be made a reality by using a compnay like Gift Card Rescue.com program. They will buy your unwanted cards from you, sell you cards at a discounted price and even help you exchange unwanted cards for an Amazon card at an increased value. They have cards from companies like Target, j.jill, Macys and Best Buy just to name a few. When you go to the webpage, you can see what people from the New York Time, The Wall Street Journal and other money writers have to say about the program. Just click on their icon at the bottom of the page and you will be directed to the articles written about this business.

When they contacted me about writing something for my readers, I did some research. I like the idea so I will be doing business with them over the holidays. It seems to me it is a win win idea. Give it a try and let me know how you like it.


Unused Cards: Information from Time.com

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