Monday, November 18, 2013

10 Reasons People Love to Play Bingo

Many of my friends love to play fact one of the biggest game nights here in our RV resort is Bingo night.  The recreation hall fills to overflowing and the space echos with giggles and laughter. I don't know for sure but I am sure some of those people are playing on the computer too.  It can be fun if everyone remembers the risks.  I liked this article from a contributor listing the reasons people play. 
Image by  sarae

People have always loved to play bingo, and now that the game is online, it’s more popular than ever. So what is it that attracts so many people to play this traditional game of chance?

  1. Playing bingo has always been easy, but now it’s online, it’s easier than ever. All you need to do is choose which game to buy a ticket for. Once the game is in play, the software automatically daubs the matching numbers on your cards as the calls are made, so you don’t even need to concentrate on the number calls.
  2. Bingo is a good value game. Many bingo sites run games that only cost a few pence (or cents) to play, even though the prizes can are significant. Even if you don’t win, you get lots of entertainment for your money.
  3. Incentives to play. All the major bingo sites offer a great welcome bonus to new players. When a player first puts a deposit into a bingo account, it will usually be matched or doubled by the site. At bgo, players receive a 200% welcome bonus when they first make a deposit. As bingo is so cheap to play, having that initial deposit matched or doubled will mean that playing funds stretch even further.
  4. Bingo can be free to play once you’ve joined a site. Click here to play online bingo and casino games with bgo and you’ll see that there are plenty of free games on the bingo schedule. There are still real cash prizes to be won, even though it costs nothing to join in the free games.
  5. Playing bingo is social. Bingo has always been a community game and that’s not changed since the game went online. Once the tickets you have are in play, you can enter bingo chat rooms and enjoy the company of other players while you’re online.
  6. You can also play bingo with people you know. As you can play bingo on social networking sites like Facebook, where you’re just playing for the fun of it, you can invite specific people to play along with you. Or, if you have a favourite bingo site, tell your friends about it so they can join you in the bingo chat rooms.
  7. The prizes are huge! Not every online bingo game has a big prize attached to it, and sometimes it’s just fun to play for the sake of the game. But if you want to win big on bingo, it’s certainly possible. Look out for the progressive jackpot games.
  8. Other ways to win. It’s not just about getting Bingo! If you’re playing online bingo, you may have a win while you’re in the chat rooms – the moderators host chat games for all the players present – and there are cash prizes and entries to other bingo games to play for.
  9. Bingo can be social online, but it can be good for people who are anti-social, too. You may love bingo but not be so keen on playing with other people in the bingo hall – online bingo is perfect for those times you want to play, but aren’t necessarily looking for company! It’s also great for bad losers – you can rant and rave at your computer screen and not risk offending anyone!
  10. The role of fate. Bingo isn’t a game that requires a cunning strategy to win. You simply choose your game and the number of tickets you want. Who actually wins is down to the random number generator software that controls the game – it’s that element of chance that attracts a lot of players to the game.

I would be interested in hearing if any of you have done this and how you liked it.

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