Thursday, December 11, 2014

How To Rock Christmas for All Ages

We actually celebrated our Christmas before we left for our winter home and it absolutely rocked! I think the things that appealed to my husband and I might be the things that would light up the eyes for any age group. As I began to deconstruct the whole experience several things became evident that I had not thought about. So how can you make you Christmas rock? Here goes.
Ice Ball Maker Mold
  1. Everyone got t a gift, even the grandparents. It does not have to be big but the thought is very important.
  2. We shared our talents...I love to cook so I gave the ingredients for a favorite dish with a piece of cooking equipment to make it with plus the recipe. I even considered giving a coupon for my favorite hairdresser. We received a gift certificate for a photo setting from our professional photographers daughter-in-law and son. (@ABlissPortraits on Twitter)
  3. We didn't struggle with gifts for the little children. They may love toys but they also love toy accessories...a storage bag for legos, a addition dress for a doll or a diaper bag for the baby doll.
  4. I know that teens love lots of things because even though they are grown up on the outside, they are very young inside. I let them help me look-up what they want online and then ordered it and wrap it. Everyone is happy.
  5. We also surprised our teens. Those young people have interests that continue from them childhood. Lego Bionicle Advanced Level turned out to be a big success.  We bought a music stand for our granddaughter to use when she practices her cello. She liked it a lot.
  6. We gave some unusual gifts that broke the Christmas mold. A bottle of booze is a good gift but even better is all the things necessary to make a favorite drink (mixer, rim salt or sugar, Ice Ball Maker Mold These are very trendy now.)
  7. Simple is husband got socks which he actually needed. Pay attention or better yet shop with your parents/children/grandchildren for a bit and watch to see what they drool over. That is what I did.
  8. We were told that re-gifting is perfectly okay...explain why you wanted to pass on what you already have. We shared some of our treasures and our children loved it.
  9. I was allowed to help decorate for Christmas...I liked being included. (Adopt a theme or color scheme for your Christmas and follow through with it throughout the season.)
  10. Hot Lime Burlap Ribbon 
    for a color coordinated Christmas

  11. We discovered that a party is better than a sit down dinner...keep it lite but make it fun. Fun was the best gift of all!
I know you have ideas because I am sure I have seen all of these somewhere else. Let me know if you can add to the list...I would like that.


  1. What a good idea, to have an early Christmas!

    Some of our family had been together on Thanksgiving and it was similarly delightful. I am now texting my grandchildren to find out what they'd like as a gift. They answer my text!

    1. My daughter calls that celebration this years First Christmas. The last Christmas will happen around New Years.

      We have a Marine Grandson so we treasure every holiday we get to have with him. Next year it may be a totally different story.

  2. I am embracing the idea of celebrating "Christmas" in new ways since I also have a new retired life. Love the idea of scheduling Christmas around a date that everyone can gather.


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