Thursday, July 30, 2015

Out of the mouths of babes...Amelia-isms

When Meelie comes to stay with us, we know we are in for a treat. She is 7 going on 15, very precocious and easy to be around. Her favorite word is "why" but she know that she has a limited supply when she come in the door. She is careful to use the allowed amount wisely. We love her a big bunch.

I have new sliding drawers in my kitchen cabinets thanks to my wonderful husband. I can slide out the appliance drawer and get the mixer without unloading the whole collection. I was showing it off to 7 year old Meelie and bagging on Grandpa. "Boy," she said, "you are really really lucky!" and grinned from ear to ear. I didn't expect that. She made me realize that I need to count my blessings more.

We were getting up from dining room table and she walked over to a mirror that hangs on the wall. As she began to touch the mirror all over I said, "Meelie, please don't do that. When you touch a mirror, your finger leaves something behind that will make the mirror look dirty after a while." Her response was, "I love you Grandma." Oh my can you even be cross with a child that is such a dear.

"Why just exactly are you painting your house?" she asked during a conversation we were having over paint colors as we drove down the road to horse camp. (One "why" gone.) I explained how the value of one of our biggest investments, our house, would drop if we didn't paint the inside and outside. She pondered that for a minute and responded with this reasoned thought. "Yes, Grandma I see that the value drops and your house is not worth as much money but it cost money to paint. Why go to all that work." Oh, my does she do that?

So, as we were packing her bag to go home yesterday she leaned over to me and said softly, "I will miss you Grandma." You can see why we love her so much. She is a treasure. All of our grandchildren are. Indeed, we are very, very lucky.

Have a wonderful day.



  1. What a sweetie. It sounds like you had a wonderful visit.

    1. Yes, she is a sweetie. I am always very tired after the grandchildren go home but it is a very good tired.

  2. You're making me jealous ... I wish I had a grandchild!

    1. They are so great. I take them, spoil them and then send them home. It is the perfect set up and I get to have it. Lucky me!


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