Friday, August 11, 2017

Book: The Crow Trap by Anne Cleeve...I wouldn't change a word!

I have been on a reading binge this summer and I am beginning to see myself as quite the expert on what is good and what is bad. That is not a good thing but it is a true thing.

I just finished reading The Crow Trap by Anne Cleeve. It is the first of the Vera Stanhope series that Cleeve wrote. It was first published back in 1999. She is a master storyteller and has such a unique way of writing a mystery that is centered around one character. It took me a while to catch what she was doing.

In this novel and in the Shetland Island book, Dead Water I read earlier in the summer, the main character came it more than halfway through book. Cleeves set the stage, leaving smoking guns all over the place and then gave you the detective almost unwillingly. It made me think and wonder about what she was up to...but in the end it made the book just perfect.

Vera has since become a popular ITV series seen here in the United States on PBS. The Crow Trap is the third episode in the ITV series but the first in the series of Vera Stanhope books. When I began watching those ITV shows, I had no idea the the books could be even better than the tv series. That may be the reason I began watching shows streaming from my computer. Netflix, Amazon Prime and now Acorn are my go to tv viewing entertainment.

The writers of the tv script, unlike me, felt free to change almost all the words. Watching the show would not have ruined the book for me and the book did not ruin the show when I watched it the second time. I liked them both.

If you are a mystery lover and demand perfect words, these books might be for you.

They are available on Amazon. If you go to your local Amazon store or go online and have a prime membership, you will get The Crow Trap for $11.55. The price on the back of the book is $16.99.

The Prime Membership just makes more and more sense to me all the time.

What are you reading this summer?



  1. Now I must read The Crow Trap, since the Vera TV series has me loving her character, and I adore reading mystery series. I am reading 4 books at once this week, yikes. My favorite of the 4 is Anthony Trollope's "Can You Forgive Her?" Also "A Widow's Story: A Memoir" by Joyce Carol Oats is compelling, especially for me, as I am a recent widow.

    1. Thank you for adding to my "must read" list. I only have three on Kindle, two in paperback. Remember that Amazon hint...they really are less when you buy from them. I don't know how long that will last!


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