Friday, June 8, 2018

What Does Your Mind-House Look Like?

b+ (Retire in Style Blog)
I read the most wonderful blog post this morning. Carla Birnberg over at unapologetically myself reminded me that we need to form a habit of being optimistic. According to her what we say about our self to our self or to someone else becomes our reality. I know, this is not big news. We all know it. But, I guess we need to be reminded that we all live in the house we have built for our self. She said:
“My existence is a clear reflection of my thoughts.” Carla Birnberg, unapologetically myself
When a friend asked her if she had any problem areas her response was "No!"! Not true entirely but still she was shaping her own reality.

I think she has hit upon something that we all need to keep in our minds. Our Mind-House is one we built for ourselves. Only we live in that house so it becomes what we make of it. We can arrange the furniture, admire the arrangement and even tell others how great it looks in there. It is ours and ours alone.

So Carla made me it true that we can change the course of our life with our voice? What do you think? How do the conversations you have leave you feeling? Do you go away with hope? Do the peoples that leave you feeling better than when they arrived? Think about it.

Does that make sense? I don't know. I do know that aging makes me realize that I am happy because I choose to be. If you saw me today and asked me how I was doing, my answer would be "Wonderful. How about you?" My Mind-House is in very good order and I like what is going on inside my head.

I know that Carla was absolutely right, my existence is a clear reflection of my thoughts.

How are you today?


Thank you Carla Birnberg for lifting me up today! :)


  1. I recall an old saying that pessimists are more accurate, but optimists are more successful. But as far as our age group goes, optimists live longer ... but only to a point. You don't want to be so pie-eyed that you ignore physical symptoms, skip your doctor appointments, or throw caution to the winds because you think that something bad can't happen to you. Good post!

    1. Absolutely Tom. Taking care of ourselves and observing the dangers of a left turn are always important. But, even though things may not be perfect, it is not what is wrong that will effect us. It is how we deal with what is wrong. Wouldn't you agree?

  2. I think there is a lot of truth in that idea that our thoughts create our mind house. Optimists tend to be very magnetic and attract people to them, and they can lift others' spirits too.

    1. If that were the only reason to keep things in order, it would be enough. But there is a lot more I think. Our health may actually be better too.

      Thank you for stopping by.


  3. It works for the Current Oval Office Occupant #CO3. (ha) He is in a world that is totally inside him.

    1. Oh dear...I am not like that person in anyway. I think I am actually smart in side my mind too. :)

  4. Thank you for reminding me that I create my own environment. I am mostly a happy person and like the idea of having a nice clean Mind-House with no dust bunnies anywhere! :-)

  5. I refuse to believe any part of my mind was conducive to the administration under which we now suffer.

    1. Sometimes even a clean mind house is not enough. It takes a village as they say!

      Take care George.



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