Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tucson, AZ....a day in the life of a retiree!

Life in the RV resort continues to be an adventure. We play Bocce Ball once a week with another couple. We love it because it is fun but all too often others take it very seriously. I love the look of the balls on the court in the late after noon. The shadows and colors appeal to my eye. The benches set at the side and believe it or not people do come and watch.

We laugh and joke...probably too loudly for the neighbors. We CANNOT sit in the shade across the street because the gentleman that owns the park model does not want anyone to sit there. We found that out the hard way!

The historic neighborhood near Fort Lowell Park here in Tucson provides some wonderful picture taking opportunities. A small collection of connected adobe dwelling are being used even though they are almost hidden behind cacti and wild flowers. Stones line the gravel entrance and pots sit on courtyard walls.

Performers in airshows around the country come to Tucson to practice their aerial acrobatics. We always enjoy the show. This picture was taken as I stood on the west side of my park model. There was no talking with the neighbors outside on this day. The noise is deafening...and the show is spectacular!

We frequently eat out with friends. The Trident Grill is located near to Tucson Medical Center. A retired Navy Seal owns the restaurant and the decor is a real departure from what you normally seen in Tucson. The food was about *** but the atmosphere and friendly college age waitresses made it a fun lunch place.

Aren't vacations wonderful?


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