Sunday, May 17, 2009

What is the Senior Lifestyle Anyway?

Condo in Orenco Station
Oregon Condo

I want to sell my home here in Oregon. I want to buy a smaller one here. I want to move my main home to Arizona. My husband wants to come along. He is 71 and I am 67. We have been trying to make this move for a year...tick tock goes the days of our lives. But I am thinking if we don't do this for three years, how old will we be? The answer always comes back...we will be the same age as we would be if we did do it. I know our life is finite but I am not living it with the idea that it will be over soon. I, along with my husband, am living life  until we cannot do it anymore. How about you?

Senior Lifestyle can be all about how you shape your life. While we want to embrace our age with glee, we need to find a way to feel that every paint job can be updated in a few years...there is plenty of time. We need to hang on to the "ongoing" parts of our beings and never, never finish with our growth as humans. I want to die in the midst of a big project! But then that is just me!


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