Saturday, February 27, 2010

Protecting Against Skin Cancer in a Recession...inexpensive skin products in the news!

no make-up
happy inside my skin!

When I got past the fact that skin creme is never going fix what has been done to my skin for 68 years and moved on to preventing skin cancer and being comfortably attractive, I was relieved.  Now I can go about my life relaxed inside my own skin.  I live 6 month a year in Arizona and I love sunshine.  I am learning to protect what I cannot change.  It is a good thing! And I am becoming a smarter shopper.

Today I am shopping for moisturizer/sunblock.  To begin my search I did something I have never done before....I actually looked at ratings for the products online based on price and quality.    I don't know about you but I am always shocked when I go to the department store counter and am told that a small bottle of lotion is $$$$$.  Gulp!  While I can afford it I am not a dunce.  $$$$$ does not work for me.  So I went looking for some information that did not have a connection with any particular product.  A search on google for "inexpensive moisturize sunscreen in the news" led me to, the online version of The Dallas Morning News.  Today in an article called "Find the best inexpensive sunscreen and moisturizer" they talked about the importance of using sunscreen even when money is tight.  I was very interested in what they had to say.

Dr. Clay J. Cockerell of Dermpath Diagnostics Cockerell & Associates in Dallas says even in an economic downturn, you shouldn't neglect your health. And skin protection is vital to good health.

"You might save a dollar or two here and there, but you'll pay in the long run," says Cockerell. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, more than 1 million new cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year.

Yike!  I may have been wrong to think that skin products are a frivolous purchase.  It seems that while consumers have cut back on moisturizers 10% in the last year, they may have put themselves at risk for skin cancer.  There is no need for this to happen.  Dallas News has rated the skin products AND found products that are affordable.  Their choices were:
Avon Ageless Results Renewing Day Cream SPF 15 ($15 for 1.7 ounces)
Clinique City Block Sheer Oil-Free Daily Face Protector SPF 25 ($16.50 for 1.4 ounces)
Good Skin All Bright Moisturizing Sunscreen SPF 30 ($12 for 1.7 ounces)
Olay Regenerist UV Defense Regenerating Lotion SPF 15 ($18.99 for 2.5 ounces)
Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream Night Formula ($13.99 for 1.4 ounces)
You will notice that all of these products are under $20...not bad.  Plus they can be purchased at your local drug store.  I have used Cetaphil products because they do not contain  perfumes.  I have asthma so perfumes are my enemy.  Cetaphil is affordable and the quality is great. But I think I will try something new and the Clinique product may be the one.  I like the oil free part.

So here is a little trick I have learned about that foundation.   Putting on foundation to cover a little bit of the damage is good but most products are simply too heavy and cause my skin to break out.  Still I love a little makeup.  I have found that if I buy a semi-expensive foundation...I love Este Lauder...and mix a very small amount with my moisturizer in the palm of my hand, I can kill two or three birds with one stone.  The feel is wonderful and I have sunscreen, moisturized, foundation applied all at once.  My skin does not break out and the light feel of the makeup is just the look I like.  Some days I apply blush and most day my Este Lauder mascara.  It is a very natural look and perfect for my lifestyle. 

So there you have it...a day in the life of Barbara's skin...sigh!

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