Thursday, May 27, 2010

Frugal Food and mall food. Aloha Oregon

    You and I know that mall food is vastly underrated.  Because it is so close and easy to use, we seem to think that the food value ($$$) + food quality (****) can not be good.  How wrong we can be!
     We were out shopping yesterday and decided to use a certificate that was about to expire to get some Mexican food.  The certificate was for the Mazatlan Mexican at 20413 SW Tualatin Valley Hwy in Aloha, OR (urban spoon info).  The exterior was nothing to shout about but when you stepped inside, you could see the effort that had gone into making this eatery look and feel authentic.
     The Mazatlan Mexican restaurants are a franchise but the service and food does not give you a franchise feel.  It is many time better than our "big box" restaurant in a mall close to us.
     We ate the fajitas yesterday...they were the best we have eaten in a long time.  I think we just loved fact that the flavor was a little different than the standard American Mexican fare.
     Our certificate required we buy $20 worth of food so we could use the $10 off.  The food portion of our bill came in at a little over $20 so we saved the $10 on the bill.  We left a 15% tip of $3 so we walked away with $7.00 in our pocket.
     FRUGAL???  Maybe so...but I will NOT eat bad food to save money!  We have health issues that have to be dealt with so we are careful.
    Give this neighborhood mall restaurant a try.  I think you will like it.

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