Monday, October 18, 2010

Mark Twain and Free Blogs! Twain was the first blogger!!!

Writing a blog is not an original idea and certainly not a new one. Journal writing has been common since man first took up the pen. But in this day and age anyone can have a free blog. Templates and artwork is readily available.  

The Mark Twain bio will be released in the middle of November and I can hardly wait to get my hands on it. He had been dead for 100 years. It seems that Mark Twain had a tender heart and promised his family and friends that he would not publish the book for 100 year. Telling the truth was not hard for him but hurting people was. So, according to the Christian Science Monitor: 
"Mark Twain completed his autobiography – which he called "a complete and purposed jumble" – more than a century ago. But he told his publishers that they would not be able to publish it till 100 years after his death – which happens to be this year."
One hundred years is a long time but people like me are very interested in what he will have to say...still.The delay in the publication of the biography has not diminished the interest in this book.  It seems that the more things change the more they stay the I think I will find that his take on people, business and politics will be as relevant today as it was then. We will see.

According to an interview given to the Sunday Morning Show, Twain took a very unusual approach when he put the story together. It seems he dictated the story. Whatever happened to be on his mind on any particular day made up the next chapter. So the story does not follow his life chronologically. I could only think....that is what a blogger does. Like journal writers have been doing forever, we write what is on our mind when we sit down at the computer. Mark Twain was just a man ahead of his time.

Have a wonderful day.



  1. Much of my family lives in and around Hartford where Twain is from--always passing his house
    I think journals began since people first could make intelligible symbols

  2. Thank you Pia...yes I would agree. But don't you find blogging very compelling. The story actually get told instead of just wandering around inside our head!



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