Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Advanced Style Mention and the Advanced Generation!

Retire In Style Blog has been mentioned on the popular blog for beautiful older people.  Advance Style thank you very much.
Screen shot of Advanced Style!

The Story
A week ago my blog reader count went up to levels I had never seen before.  I had no idea what I had done to deserve the attention.   I began doing the back scene information search...if you are a blogger you will understand.  There are Stat Counters and Google Analytics, etc.   I could not find a pattern that would explain all the interest.  I did notice that a lot of people were coming from Advanced Style but there did not seem to be a reason.  Then I found it...a post about people that write for "advanced humans", you know, those of us that have lived past a certain age.  The article was called Over 50 Blogging.  It is amazing what just a mention will do.  They did their part...now I need to do mine.

Thank you so much for stopping by.  I would appreciate it if you would become a follower and tell you friends about the blog.  Why? you ask.  Well I think it is important that we promote the image of this Advance Generation as a vibrant living active community of people.  Help me out.  Please!!!

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