Tuesday, April 5, 2011

HOW TO BE A SNOW BIRD...senior living!

Cactus in bloom!
     "Oh my goodness.  Where have you been and what have you been doing?" 
     "Why haven't you called.  Surely, now that you are retired you can find the time?"
     "Are you mad at me?"
     "When can we have dinner?"
      Senior living is full and wonderful.  What can I say?  I am living, I planned on calling soon, if I were mad at you I would tell you, yes!  Just to prove that I don't mean to neglect you here is how our season is winding down.
Spring is Here:
      In the land of the Arizona snowbird season, there is an ebb and flow. People that come and go settle into a routine in the fall when they arrive. They buy food, seasonings for that food and if they are like me, flowers to nurture during the season. The flowers grow and the people live. The evidence of the change that will be coming very soon is very like the one we see in the flower blooming in the fall. As the season draws to a close, the flowers burst into full bloom.  Here the people burst with energy.  We have to be sure that we get our sleep at night. That is what I have been doing.
Dinner with friends!
     A friend told me the other day that she was going to spend her last month here being on vacation.  No cooking, just pool time, cocktail hours and dinners with departing friends. During the season we work and live.  But when spring arrive, we savor each and every day.   During the last week we have been too busy to call or write.  I am so sorry.  I am sure you will understand when you see the schedule:

  • Tuesday:  Spend day reading
  • Tuesday:  Buy a new book for my Kindle
  • Wednesday:  Golf
  • Thursday:  Dinner at a friends house
  • Friday:  Drive out to Agua Calienta
  • Saturday:  Dinner for 8 at my house (buy food, prepare food, set table with tablescape :))
  • Saturday:  Danced to the Sixties Garage Band
  • Sunday:  Attended a pool party (buy food, prepare food)
  • Monday:  Invited everyone to potluck personally (walk around a lot)
  • Tonight (Tuesday):  Potluck for 20+ at my house (buy food, prepare food, set up tables, etc)
     Someone said the other day, "When I see people parked in the desert, I wonder what they do all day."  In my reply I said "They live."  That is what we do each day.  In this Arizona resort, if we get bunchy or even lonely, we simply walk out the front door and hollar into the neighbor's door "Whatcha doing?" If I were parked in the desert, I would find a bird or a beautiful rock.  My Arizona lifestyle is just what I make it.                                
     That, my friends is what we do all day!


Books (mysteries):  Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
             Girl That Played With Fire


  1. Retirement years are enjoyable if you have all your needs and wants. Money is important when you are already retired.

  2. Yes retirement can be fun, I worked nursing homes for years and now I write my books. My first one, on Amazon, covers my experience in one of those facilities. I like this blog site and will follow it often.


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