Saturday, August 6, 2011

10 Most Read Blog Articles + Google Search and Me

Reader's Favorites:

     Is this the first time you have visited?  Well, welcome to my life.  I am retired and have been for 14 years. I guess that makes me an experienced retiree.  I have been writing this blog for about 6 years.  It is my favorite "job" in a life that really required no honest labor.  I would have done this for a job in my pervious life if I could have.  It has been a wonderful gift.
About the blog!  Thing I love.
     I love the stuff I find on my Live Traffic Feed from Feedjit.  That is that list in the sidebar that tell my readers why people visit this site.  Usually it will show specifically what people are looking for and even which link they use to exit the page.  I do love company here at Retire in Style Blog.  It has taken me several years to accumulate a list of titles that attract people.
     For example, did you know that if you put Retire in NYC Blog in the Google search, my blog will come up in the list....several times!  Isn't that interesting?  Because the title of this blog has the words Retire and in and Blog in the title I guess I am automatically in the neighborhood. But even better, I actually have visitors that come to see me using this search.  Isn't the internet wonderful.  I love Google!
     The title of this blog evolved after many attempts to get it just right.  It began as Barbara's Travels.  I initially changed the name because it shouted travel agent.  I wanted to talk about retirement and life out here in the real world.  I have been very lucky that it has worked out for me.
     I would love to have you as a follower.  You can click on the follow button in the sidebar...thank you in advance.


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