Saturday, December 24, 2011

Traveling with Grandchildren in the Far East!

We are now on Phu Quoc Island just off the island of Vietnam and Cambodia.  My husband and I are traveling with our son's family and his friend.  We had 4 children in tow....10, 8, 4 and 4.  We are staying a resort called Cassia Cottages.  There is no TV nor is there a "recreational director" to amuse the children.   This resort is rated #2 on Trip Advisor for the island.  I can see why.   Everything is really, really perfect!

I am not as experienced at this type of travel as my son's family is so I did expected there to be some difficulties.  Food choices, things for children to keep them happy and a general need for entertainment seemed to lurk as possible obstacles to be over come.  As it turns out, there are no problems.  The reason may be that these people know how to pull this off without a hitch.  Here are some things that I have observed.

  • Sharing a two bedroom suite with another family makes things very affordable
  • An ipad for each child fills enough of the time that they do not miss TV.
  • Food is very tasty and everyplace we have visited from Sapa to Phu Quoc has American things on the menu.
  • Trading off for "child care" time between our group allows everyone some "adult time".
  • Trip Advisor provided information about "family friendly" resorts.
  • Food here is so cheap that we have eaten exotic food without wincing when we looked at the tap.
  • Children are very strong, resilient and willing to partake in adventures.  These children walked through the rice paddies in Sapa for 6+ k and didn't miss a beat.  
  • People here love children so even children that are noisy are not a problem
We celebrated Christmas morning with a cup of green tea.  The children opened stocking filled with simple things like bubble bath, M&Ms and playdough.  They were such a simple beautiful things and they were thrilled.  

Merry Christmas everyone.  I hope your day is as joyful as ours has been.


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