Tech Soup Partners |
At TechSoup, nonprofits and libraries can request and receive technology products donated by TechSoup partners, and they can find tech-focused content and community tuned to their needs. We're a nonprofit with a clear focus: to make it as easy as possible for other nonprofits and libraries to obtain and use the technologies they need to achieve their goals. As part of that mission, we provide access to over 400 products donated by more than 40 companies — including donor partners like Microsoft, Adobe, Cisco, Intuit, and Symantec.
I have been a follower of this group for quite a while. I am always very interested in the service they give to organization. You really should take the time to look their webpage over and see if there is anything they can do for you. At the very least, pass the word along. This is a very good thing.Twitter:!/TechSoup
Technorati Tag: technology, non-profit, AARP
Thanks for the tip. I am very involved with Edwards Center, a nonprofit that serves adults with developmental disabilities, including my two autistic sons. I will check this out.