Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What to do when Dollar Stretchers and Junk Car Buyers come to call!

Junk Cars
Thank you for stopping by.  If you like what you read, beam me up on twitter, google+ etc.  It helps a lot!

I write a blog online and I make a little money when people place ads in my sidebar for financial services or pay for a link to a business in a guest post.  In order to do what I do I belong to social websites like Linkedin, twitter and Facebook.  They are necessary.  As a result I get contacted by a wide variety of people that earn a living online. It is as though I own a store and they want to place their product on my shelves.  That is not what I expected to happen with this blog but that is how it has evolved.

This morning I was contacted by two websites that were related in a small way.  They were both related to money...not big money, or insurance.  These websites are focused on people that love to have a little extra cash in their pockets.  One person owns a website called Dollar Stretcher.  This business is in my Linkedin contacts.  You will find information on everything from economical travel to buying and selling a house.  One stop shopping...my idea of a very good idea!

The second was from a website called Junk Car Buyers.  I know!  This one made me smile.  But here is the thing...it may be just the service you are needing.  If you have a car you have inherited but just won't start or a car you never use, what do you do?  Well, I guess you call Junk Car Buyers and they will give you some cash AND take the thing away.  I love it when a charity or a buyer not only wants my stuff but actually shows up and carts it away.  I don't know anyone personally that has a junk car parked in their drive or the vacant lot out back but maybe you do.

So there you have it...a day in the life of a typical retired kindergarten teacher turned into an ecommerce whatchamaycallit!  I hope your day has been full of smiles.



  1. Ha! I have a lot of junk I'd be willing to sell, but no cars. Junk Car Buyers sounds like a good business, though, one that helps make a difference.

    Will check out the Dollar Stretchers, too.

    I love your "whatchmaycallit!" :) Thank you for linking up to the inaugural GRAND Social!

  2. I can relate to your e-mail in-box issues. I usually get requests to put guest posts on my blog. In reality, the "posts" are poorly written attempts to get commercial links in place. Unless there is new information being shared I will usually tell the person thanks, but no thanks. It is amazing how bad the writing often is from these folks.

    Oh well, the life of a blogger.

  3. Lisa, I will have a little secret or not a secret on donating in a coming post. It is just amazing!

    No junk cars? Well girl you just need to get busy and buy a couple just in case junk car buyers come to call. Oh, I don't think that is the way it is suppose to work!


  4. Bob, here is what I do slow the stream of poorly written guest posts. I just charge them money to post an article with a business link and retain control over the content, even editing it sometimes to make it better. I just decided to go with the flow!


  5. Oh Liza, I forgot to tell you how great the linkything is. That is one great idea!



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