Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Born on the Fourth of July!

Our family has been together for so long now that we all finish each other's sentences.  My daughter-in-law teases me about keeping my grandchildren warm.  I would have them wrapped in a parka when the temperature falls below 80.  She know that I am only doing what I do out of love.  My children know what I think before I think it.  I like that a lot.

We gathered today to celebrate the July 4 with the family.  We ate well and visited over birthday cake for my youngest son.  I love July 4.  But it occurred to me that my children and grandchildren didn't realize why I alway made such a big deal out of the day. I needed to remind everyone why July 4 is such a special day in our family.  When I asked them why, I got a variety of answers...the youngest said because we put off fireworks.  My youngest son's birthday is tomorrow so that makes our celebration very special and the gathering of family always makes our holidays memorable.  One of his children thought that was why the day was so special.

But then I told them how the "family", the ancestors that loved the grandchildren and children, made this day important too.  For the grandchildren I told the story about their great-great-great-grandmother that came from Sweden in the late 19th century.  She married a Swedish man here in the United States and had four children, one of which was my grandmother. The great-great-great-grandmother to my grandchildren was born on July 4.

Each year the family would gather at Great-Great-Great-Grandma Seaburg's house to celebrate her birthday.  In was on that day that my mother and father had their first date.

So July 4 takes on new meaning for us.  We celebrate a beautiful country, a loving family, a little romance and birthdays both very old and very new!

Be well.


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