Saturday, September 1, 2012

Grandma and Blue Poop!

Froot LoopsFroot Loops (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
They were saying it in the car today...poop this and poop that.  I know. I am such a prude.  Teachers, old teachers, are that way I am told. We are one of the last living group of people that still call the "f" word the "f" word.  And poop is just not something my generation discussed even in private. We are funny that way.

So when my two grandsons were being boys in the back seat, I was required to change the subject.  It is a good thing they are easily dissuaded. I was feeling very self righteous and perfect. I hardly ever say poop! That was before I changed the youngest baby's diaper.

I have been a grandmother for 20 years and believe me I have seen about everything inside the diapers but this little boy's poop just stopped me in my tracks. I looked and stopped to gaze out the window for a poop??? That just can't be a good thing I thought.
Isn't he cute...but his diaper not so much!
Really, when your grandson poops blue poop, you really, really need to talk about it with someone even if it is embarrassing. In fact, I find I need to talk about it with everyone I meet. I guess that is why I am talking to you. Blue poop is amazing!

For those of you that are experienced in this sort of poop I already know that Fruit Loops or Lucky Charms or one of those cereal dyes are to blame.  At least that is what I was told today.  See, I was thinking it was Play Doh but what do I know.

So there you have it.  Just when I think I have a handle on what is polite conversation and what isn't, Fruit Loops changes the rules.

I'm just saying!



  1. I am not sure starting my Labor Day morning with thoughts of blue poop is appropriate, but there you go.

    I have never seen blue poop, either from my daughters, or grandkids. Then again, I do everything in my power to not see whatever maybe lurking in a diaper.

  2. Well, me too. But changing diapers with my eyes closed does not work very good! In the day of diaper pins my children screamed really loud when I poked them.

    Be well.



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