Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Photojojo iPhone/SmartPhone Camera Attachments! Teens would love this!

Happy Halloween. In the spirit of modern day culture I think that since it is Halloween we can begin talking more about Christmas. Witchy says, TEE HEE HEE! Cackle!

I found a new attachment for our iPhone camera yesterday on! They are little lenses let you take all those fun pictures you could not capture on your iPhone/smartphone before! And yes they work on you iPhone 5. The set of three little lenses let you take macro, fisheye and telephoto shots. This is a very good price on amazon.  I paid a lot more than this when I bought a set!

In fact if you look at the Photojojo page on Amazon you will be amazed at all of the cool stuff there is for your smart phone camera.  The quality is already on your cell phone camera.  All you need is some neat attachments to make it perfect!

Photojojo has some things I could not find anywhere else. For example, if you invest in the lenses you will want something to carry the goodies.  Here is where the lens wallet is needed. I know (she squealed)...this is just too wonderful!

Buy the The iPhone Lens Wallet at the Photojojo Store!

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