Thursday, November 15, 2012

Riviera Maya, Mexico: Look at that view!

We face east in the condo we are staying in.  Our patio includes a glass barrier so we don't fall into the jungle swamp that borders the land here.  The reception area is open air and the bugs will not outdoor sleeping or we would do that too.  Island time is the vacationers schedule but the employees are punctual and very helpful.

The view...oh the view! We have been here since last Saturday and are finally beginning to see what is going on around us. It is only when we sit very still and begin to watch that it all comes into focus.

Yesterday we were on the shuttle when the driver exclaimed and pointed to the right.  Sitting in the jungle tree were orange iguanas...many orange iguana. Then he began talking about all the creatures that share this beautiful spot with us. A lone monkey appears at night.  A jaguar is seen near the lobby. My husband spotted a crocodile laying by the lake.

It has occurred to me that we would never see these things unless we were very still. The beautiful birds that flit from tree to tree outside our bedroom window are invisible until I sit long enough. Then they will appear as if by magic.

So I suppose that the view is only visible to me when I focus very carefully. I do not have the ability to pick out the green iguana on the wall or the crocodile laying in the bushes.

Be well and have a wonderful day.


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