Wednesday, December 12, 2012

paper, stamps, and the address book...doing Christmas Jo's Way! @blogher # NaBloPoMo

Jo: front row 3rd from the left. 5th-6th grade
Huntington Oregon, 1951
The dog belonged to Jo too.
I thought that the latest and greatest was the best way of doing things.  My friends know that I love technology and the gadgets. It has been that way for the better part of my life. Then Jo came back into my life this last summer.
Jo 2nd from the right

See, the thing is, Jo does not have a computer. She lives on a farm, raises berries to sell at the local market and just now did get her very first cell phone. Life at her house is about cutting out of the newspaper, pasting in a scrap book, scrubbing her floors on her hands and knees and being kind and loving. That is what my best friend since we were in grade school is like. I love her as much now as I did then.

When my class was reunited this summer after a very long time...53 years for some of us...Jo and I talked on the phone. She sounded the same as always. I wanted her email address so I could send some pictures. No! I don't have one, she told me.  I was just stunned. I don't believe I know anyone else that does not use the computer!

That was when I rediscovered the joy of writing on real paper, finding a stamp (in with my collection of business cards) and walking to the mailbox with a real letter. It was the first in I don't know how many years. When her letter came in answer to mine, I recognized her handwriting before I even opened the envelope. Time had not changed it at all.

Now it is Christmas and I decided to do my cards Jo's way. I gathered addresses, called or emailed people (I am ashamed to say) if I did not have them. Yesterday I sat down and wrote a note to each person on a Christmas card I found at the bottom of a very old box. We dug up a few stamps and I carried them with love to my mailbox.

I cannot tell you how calm and relaxed I felt at the end of the day.  Sometime, doing things Jo's way is perfect.

Why is it we are in such a hurry anyway?

Be well.



  1. Most of us bloggers are writers by nature. It is just what we do. Of course we that are in our golden years, whatever that means, started out with paper and pen. But you are right there is something about using that medium that adds emotional value. Being deaf writing is a way of life with me. Although I can now make telephone calls through my Captel telephone I prefer back and forth text.

    My Dad was like your friend in that he was not into computers. I on the other hand was an information technologist so I was very into them. During the last year of his life (he died of colon cancer) we traded hand-written letters and it was a very emotional experience. Dad just never shared much of anything emotional but those letters were laced with his feelings and thoughts I had never heard from him before. I still have them typically laying somewhere on my desk. Just to see his hand written words makes me feel closer to him each time I read them. Thanks for the pleasant thought. Your post made my day.

  2. RJ,

    You made my day too. Thank you for the thoughtful response. I wish I had known your dad. I think we would have gotten along really well. Some of us are much better on paper than in real life!

    Be well.



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