Monday, December 3, 2012

Teens: 14+ Practical 14+ Christmast Gift Ideas for Teens + a Promo from Target

How many times have you heard grandmother's say "I just give them money. I have no idea what they would like." Around this time of year probably more than you can count. Even parents are stumped when it comes to their teens. Boys are harder than girls I think but I still have a few ideas for both.
If you have a teenage granddaughter and you live close by, the next time you are in the house take a side trip to her room.  Brace yourself, it is probably going to be a mess. Look in the closet at sizes, store brand labels, etc. Actually store brand may be key here.  Teens are all about the place the item came from. Now you are ready to get started.

I went shopping with my granddaughter yesterday at Target. This is a good place to begin. T-shirts, underwear or even rain boots are very affordable and beyond cute. She loved the denim shirts, jeans and wandered through the sleepwear dept. They have a special offer now for select spend $75 and get a $15 gift card.

Teen girls/women

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