Monday, February 25, 2013

The Wait is Over....Time is not on our side anymore!

The train is leaving the station...are you on it
or just dreaming about going? Don't let
life slip away.
I don't suppose you remember when my husband tipped over in the kitchen. He had managed to drink as little water as a man can possibly drink and finally went totally dry. He always simply said he didn't like water and refused to let it pass his lips.  The tipping over resulted in a 911 call, a trip to the hospital, a big bag of water being pumped into him and a night spend visiting the bathroom. He was astonished that people actually went that much. He learned a very hard lesson. But then so did I. That was the first time it dawned on me that the wait was over. We needed to make our dreams come true if we possibly could...the sooner the better.

The next morning I woke up, drank my coffee and announced that I was buying new golf clubs so I could enjoy them. I asked my husband if he wanted to do the same. That was when I broke the news to him that we were going to die one day and I did not want the day to come and go without us enjoying some of the things we had been "waiting" to do or buy!

When we arrived in the desert this winter we made arrangements to add a small porch in the front of our park model. I had been asking to have it done since we moved into the park model several years ago. My husband was not very enthusiastic but all I could think was I did not want to have the porch completed and then die within the next few months. I wanted to do it now and enjoy it while we could. He relented and has built something that we will use for as long as we can live in our little winter house.

Now I am using "the waiting is over" phrase more and more. I will ask Are we going to do this or not. If we aren't going to get things done, I want to know so I can quit dreaming and planning. We have come to an age when we cannot wait to buy what we can afford or do what we can afford to do. Time is not on our side...not anymore. Tic toc!

Have you ever had this happen? Is the wait over for you?  If it is, why?

I was just wondering!



  1. This mindset is exactly why Betty and I bought an RV last fall. We decided the time for dreaming and wishing was over. The future no longer stretched endlessly before us.

    I didn't want to be one of those old guys, who should have turned in his keys, manuvering a giant RV down the road. The time was now.

    So, we gulped and spent the money. It has invigorated us and given us a whole new world to explore.

    By the way, my dad also doesn't believe in water. But, after 4 fainting episodes he has increased his liquid intake a bit. Tell Earl to carry a bottle with him always. He is in the desert!

  2. That thinking is what made us decide to jump in feet first and buy a small piece of winter sun in Arizona -- sight unseen.

    I have a print I like that says: Enjoy yourselves. It's later than you think.

  3. "The waiting is over". I have to use that one. My wife is several years older than me and is coming to the point where extended travel is more difficult. I think maybe the waiting has long been over for us. Gotta spend some of those savings we put aside. It may be now or never. Thanks for the push.

  4. For the longer hikes we never did, for the trips where we take tents into the wilderness, those times are gone because I hurt my back and can't wear hiking boots. Time for us to take a look at the rest of it.

  5. I was so touched by each of these comments. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.



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