Saturday, March 16, 2013

Snowbird Lifestyle: The Other Place

I was talking with Linda Myers of Bag Lady in Waiting a few weeks ago. The other places came up in the conversation because I had said that, if I were alone, I would go to Starbucks to read the paper or maybe a book. I thought it would comfort me and keep me from feeling so isolated in a life without a partner. I thought maybe I could just pretend it was my living room and lots of people had come to visit. I like the idea a lot.

Friends from the other place!
Have you ever hear the phrase before...the other places? There is a Broadway play titled The Other Place and a pizza parlor chain in Iowa and Kansas with that name. There are many Facebook pages with variations on the name and someone has claimed it as their Twitter name. Linda told me there was a barista near her called The Other Place. But I for one had never heard the phrase or even thought about it. I liked the idea that a person could call several different locations home...the coffee shop, a pizza parlor or even the local pub. Much like the Cheers of the by gone TV, when you walk in every one will know your name.

For those of you that are thinking about becoming a snowbird and want to live in two different yet equal locations, you are moving toward a time when you  call more than one place "home". No matter where you are, there will always be the other place! In fact you will always be IN the other place.

I don't know why I wanted to bring this up today. It could be that the idea is comforting for me. My world did get a lot bigger when my husband and I became snow birds. Our circle of friends has grow. Each of our places is separate but connected in some strange way. We have a wonderful life. I do miss friends from the other place when I am in the other place...but I know or at least hope that we will be back together again soon. So, if you come to visit and I am not at home, don't worry, I am probably at the other place!  I will be back in a jiffy!

Have a wonderful day!


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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like your concept of the "other place". What we were talking about is a Third Place - a place other than home or work where you feel comfortable. There's a bookstore near where I live called "Third Place Books". Starbucks is another "third place".

    You're right about making friends in the "other place". I'm home now in Washington State, thinking about the new friends we made this winter in Tucson - our "other place" now.

  3. Thanks Linda. I like the other place. I am not sure if I could do a third place. :).

  4. I've never heard of the term, but I do like the concept. I'm no fan of Starbucks, though (the coffee is too strong and bitter for my taste), but we've got a great local place that has all the comforts of home. Now ... if I only had a place in the sun!!!

  5. Like Tom I haven't heard that term before but I really like your interpretation of it. Particularly with an RV, there will be lots of places we will find friends and comfort. Wherever we are we will feel the same peace we feel at the "other places."


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