Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Travel: Why the Snowbird Life?

 I am a snowbird and spend up to 6 month a year in Tucson every year. My home is in Hillsboro Oregon. It rains there a lot. I suppose that is one of the reasons my husband and I feel the need to travel south for a while. We want to escape the rain and the dark weather. But life is not perfect even when you get to travel south for the winter. Why? Well, the weather has not been good this winter.
Del Lago Golf Course
Vail, Arizona
Arizona Sunset
Tubac Resort Golf Course
Golfing with friends!
Bocce Ball Court
It has frozen, snowed, rained and the wind blew 50+ miles an hour last week. When it has not been cool it has been hot. The elements are not particularly favorable for a snowbird like me. But, would I stay at home in Oregon even if it was never warm here in Arizona? I really don't think so.

The truth of the matter is I do not come here for the weather...not entirely. I come here because I like the people and it is just so much fun. My daughter compared this RV resort to a college campus in the fall and I think she is right. We are friends that have not seen each other for several month and have lots to say and do so we can make up for lost time.

A friend called the other day and told me how sorry she was that we hadn't had a warm winter season. She thought our time here had been ruined. Do we need any sympathy? The answer is no.  The weather really doesn't matter. The people do.

Just a thought.

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  1. Yep. Like a combination of college and summer camp.

  2. Linda, I never feel quite so alive and exited anymore. But when I come back here I regain some of that enthusiasm again.


  3. Sounds like you have a wonderful time no matter where you venture. I'll meet you on the court!


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