Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I do have an actual life...really.  It comes and knocks on my door once in a while demanding my attention.  My blogging life must wait. Let me tell you right now my blogging life does not like being neglected at all. Readership goes down to nothing!

Life has been all about grandchildren this week. My oldest son is in Beirut Lebanon with his wife on business. They had just flown in from China. So we took over the job of getting the girls on American time...jet lagging can be a problem with younger people too.

Because they come from China in one day, they are not only turning night into day, they are also changing what day it is. If you have never seen a 5 year old about fall asleep in her pizza at 1 in the afternoon, it will be hard for you to visualize. But it does happen!

We are having a wonderful time.  I love this part of my real "life".  What is your favorite part?


In order to find a picture of the girls from last summer I had to backtrack through all my photos for a year. Back through the year I found pictures of:
  • Grandson graduating from Marine Corp Recruit Training
  • Granddaughter Graduating from High School
  • Sea World
  • San Diego
  • Son graduating with Masters Degree
  • Arizona
  • Golfing with friends
  • Family gatherings
  • Christmas
  • Cancun, Mexico 
  • Class reunion
  • Berry patches
  • Wineries
  • Blogging Friends
  • New born grandchild
Wow...I did not realize so much had happened in the last 12 month. And that is not even the tip of the iceberg.

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